Building your own websites by Hexo
This is implemented on Windows10. You can find an amazing series of videos which is on Mac on MAC
For me, I’m currently using Typora as my markdown editor and VSCode as my code editor.
Building environment
git: version control system
node: JavaScript runtime
npm: package manager for Node.js
There are so many tutorials to help you install these tools, so I’ll just skip that.
To check if you have installed successfully:
1 | git version |
Install Hexo
1 | npm install hexo -g |
To check if you have installed successfully:
1 | npm -v |
then cd into the folder you want to store your source code, then try
1 | hexo init [name of the folder] |
After that, we cd into the folder that you just created, and then:
1 | npm install |
then you can try to use this command
1 | hexo serve |
and open the url to varify your website locally.
Posting blog to Github
Skipping how to create repo…
open git and write:
1 | git config --global '' |
And then open the _config.yml in the folder that Hexo created. And then change like this with your own repository url: